Monday, January 24, 2011

Day Eleven - Robots, CEO's, and Jazz

Tabor and the group waiting
for the train in gloomy Molndal
I saw my first actual live robot today at ABB. Robots might eventually take over the world; just something to think about. Bert gave us another very informative presentation, this time on product management. It was interesting to see all the different things that each product manager needs to consider as they plan, brand, market, sell, and sustain each product.

Our adventures have led us both far and close to Gothenburg. ABB is of the far variety. Located in Molndal, it is a train ride and a bus to ABB. On the way back, our city transit passes didn't work so JJ tells us, "Get to the back and don't show your passes." So far the strategy has worked and we haven't had to deal with the Swedish Polis.

The office at Skapa on the sixth floor.
Very modern interior design.
Our afternoon company tour was to a company called Skapa, a digital media advertising agency. Erik Ekholm, the founder and CEO, gave us an awesome presentation on digital and social media that was on the cutting of everything advertising. Skapa boasts an advertising portfolio of almost every large Swedish company including Volvo, ABB, ASCOM, and WirelessCar, which we will visit on Wednesday. He gave us great advice on advertising, entrepreneurship, and life. A presentation from an ultra successful person such as Erik is what gives me the motivation to go out, work hard, and be successful myself. Check out their website on Google Chrome to translate to English.

Surprisingly, the highlight of the day came after all of this. Homes, Lauren, Gigler, and I had been wanting to go to a jazz club called Nefertiti ever since we got here. We finally had the opportunity to go tonight and it was awesome. Two jazz groups rocked the stage with some classic New Orleans Jazz for the mostly octogenarian crowd. The musicians were ridiculously talented and made a great night.
The tuba player got crazy with his solo
That's all for tonight. Another exciting day tomorrow.

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